Molly Barrow, PhD is the founder of IMAGINE Children's Health Center and has accepted the position of Executive Director. Dr. Barrow holds a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology, is a licensed mental health counselor, and has provide mental health treatment to children in Collier County since 1988.
IMAGINE was invited to be an exhibitor at the Conference on Cultural Competence by the Mental Health Association of Collier County, Florida.
IMAGINE held the "Walk for IMAGINE" community education event on November 30, 2014.
Christy Cugini, M.D. has joined IMAGINE as the Medical Director and will serve on the Board of Directors.
IMAGINE has received the IRS determination of a Florida State not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, dedicated to the Psychological and physical health of school-age children. Donors may deduct contributions under IRC Section 170.
Jeff Schlesinger, M.A. of AIM- Advertising & Marketing, has joined IMAGINE as Marketing Director.IMAGINE Children's Health Center announces the launch of their new website to introduce their services to the community and provide a secure donation center.
Dean and Linda Fejes are diamond donors with a generous recurring donation. Thank you so much.
IMAGINE's Executive Director, Dr. Molly Barrow and Marketing Director, Jeff Schlesinger attended the Scott Robertson Auctioneer's Workshop for non-profits held at the Hilton hotel.
Molly Barrow, PhD Executive Director of IMAGINE Children's Health Center was interviewed for Rodale Press by reporter, Gisele
IMAGINE Children's Health Center received the Gold Level GuideStar Exchange.
Don Manley wrote an AMAZING story about IMAGINE Children's Health Center in the Florida Weekly October 23-29 2014. Read here.
California Pizza Kitchen Hosted a fundraiser on November...
Scott Burgess, CEO of the David Lawrence Center invited Executive Director, Molly Barrow, PhD for lunch to discuss ways that IMAGINE and DLC can work together. They discussed their respective visions of the future and met with Bonnie Fredeen, COO of DLC.
The start of the Super Bowl 5K Race on Sunday, February...on a foggy morning in Naples, FL. A portion of every ... was donated to IMAGINE. We would like to thank all the participants and RunDurance for their generous support. !85 runners participated from six years old to eighty.